2D and 3D Printed Media ⭐️

2D and 3D Printed Media ⭐️

For the category of 2D print media, it includes materials such as paper that are flat and present information or content for delivering knowledge or news. Examples include books, newspapers, magazines, brochures, and flyers, among others.

Books: This type of printed media contains content or information that provides knowledge, such as textbooks, documentaries, or books on various subjects intended to convey meaning to readers.

Magazines and Journals: These are printed media that present news and entertainment, often with a focus on attractive and eye-catching design.

Pamphlets: These are small printed materials, distinct from journals, that provide various types of information to readers or interested parties. They are often distributed on special occasions.

Newspapers: These are printed media that provide news in the form of detailed content and images. Newspapers can be published daily, weekly, or monthly.

Posters: These are large printed materials used for advertising, designed to be prominent and grab attention. They are commonly displayed in locations where they can be easily seen.

Flyers: These are single-page printed materials, usually printed on A4-sized paper, designed to provide information in a straightforward manner.

Brochures: These are printed materials used for advertising products. In the strict sense of English usage, a brochure typically refers to a document with considerable content, ranging from folded pamphlets to multi-page booklets like product catalogs. However, in Thai, the term "brochure" is often used broadly to describe various forms of promotional and informational printed materials, including flyers, pamphlets, and catalogs.

3D Print Media: This category of print media primarily includes specialized printed materials. These are usually directly printed onto products that are already shaped or formed, such as product containers or various types of packaging, including boxes or crates.

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For inquiries and production, please contact:
Tel. 089-969-2859
Email: sirivatanaonline@gmail.com

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